Become a Member
Membership for one year:
- Individual: R50
- Family: R100
- Private group tour*: R500
Entry to the site of Mostert’s Mill is at own risk and on condition that the member indemnifies the Department of Public Works and the Friends of Mostert’s Mill against any claims, injury or damage incurred following such entry.
Interested in becoming a miller? Email John Hammer at
Make payment via EFT and send a proof of payment, with name and email address, to Kevin Rorke at
Account name: Friends of Mosterts Mill
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch code: 051 001
Account Number: 077 441 672
Alternatively, make payment via SnapScan below or you can come to the mill on an open day and be signed up at the entrance gate.

Membership of the FoMM is open to any persons or bodies which support the constitutional aims listed below:
- To ensure the preservation of the mill, its component mechanical parts and the threshing floor.
- To restore the mill to working order and manage its operation in co-operation with the relevant authorities.
- To achieve public access to the mill for educational, recreational, conservation and environmental purposes.
- To restore the contextual cohesion of related structures and precincts and to participate in their management.
- To further the appreciation of Mostert’s Mill and related subjects by arranging regular meetings, lectures, excursions or similar events.